Hvad lytter de til i Musik uden grænser? – uge 11, 2025

I uge 11 lyttede de blandt andet til: Rage Against the Machine, Radiohead og Povl Dissing

Af Iben Østergaard

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Mandag 10/3 2025 (228. gang)

TitelKunstnerAlbum + udgivelsesårValgt af
Take the Power BackRage Against the MachineRage Against the Machine 1992Adrian
The National AnthemRadioheadKid A 2000Lilla
Jeg tændte ingen sol for digPovl DissingJeg er en tosset spillemand 1968Lars
Open EyesSleepy SunFever 2010Leon
Living For the CityStevie WonderAt the Close For A Century 1973Per M
Sound Of SilenceDisturbed Feat. Myles KennedyEvolution 2018Beda
Out Of It FallulahThe Black Cat Neighbourhood 2011David
Pantagruels NativityGentle GiantAcquiring the Taste 1971Per
Gypsy EyesThe Jimi Hendrix ExperienceElectric Ladyland 1968Adrian
Frou Frou Foxes In Midsomer FiresCocteau TwinsHeaven Or Las Vegas 1990Lilla
Scarletti SonatasChick Corea and Bela FleckRemembrance 2024Lars
Move OnAarich Jespers, Zita Swoon GroupNew Old World 2014Leon
Be My GuestStoned StatuesGuardian 2026Per M
People =ShitRichard CheeseAperitif For Destruction 2005David
Lake DistrictBjörn J:son Lindh and Staffan SchejaEuropa 1984Per