Fines for overdue and damaged materials

When you borrow materials from the library, you are responsible for any damage to them, and to get them back to the library in due time.

Fines for overdue materials

 AdultsChildren (aged 0-13 years)
1 - 7 days20 kr.0 kr.
8 - 14 days65 kr. 20 kr.
15-30 days120 kr.55 kr.
From the 31st day and onward230 kr. 120 kr.

Please be aware: Renewal of a loan must be performed before the material in question is overdue: renewing a material past the return date triggers an overdue fee in the same way as returning a material past the return date does.

If you owe more than 200 kr. in fines, you are barred from borrowing any further materials from the library until you pay the full amount.

When a debt is registered by the library, you will receive an invoice with Digital Post (or via a letter in the mail), that you may pay at a bank (or with "netbank") or at a post office. Alternatively, if you wish to pay with cash, you may book an appointment with the Citizen Service i Kolding ("Borgerservice").

Damaged materials

When you borrow materials from the library, you are responsible for any damage to the books, etc.. If they are damaged, you must pay for replacements. The library maintains ownership rights of all replaced materials.

If a debt is not paid by the due date, the claim for damages is automatically transferred to the municipal debt collection officer. The library herewith renounces ownership of the borrowed material. At this point the material must be paid for and cannot be returned.

If the library's rules are not observed, the borrower may lose the right to use the library.